p r o j e c t
creation, management and curator
What we hear of war is always in the form of figures. Over and over, 3460 dead, 4223 missing… The press reports the ever-rising numbers as if it were awarding prizes in a lottery.
The individual is forgotten.
But behind every number is a person who once had a life, a family, people that loved them and that they loved, with whom they will never see their dreams come true. In each number is hidden an invisible person, trapped inside a figure.
In this exhibition I want to give life to the essence of every one of these anonymous people.
The main element chosen for this series is the evocative nature of washing hung out to dry. Who hasn´t felt the presence of their loved ones, impregnating every fibre of the material with their scent?
“Seres Invisibles” (¨Invisible Beings¨) began its life in Seville, in August 2014, after my plane tickets to Israel – where my family lives – were cancelled because of the terrible war which started at that moment.
Alongside these works the series ¨Guerra¨ (¨War¨) is presented for the first time, created in 2006 in my studio in Barcelona. That year I was commissioned to create a series of large format paintings for the set design of a play by Julia Bel, poetry about the Spanish Civil War. Sadly, while working on the project, the war with Lebanon started in my country of origin. Suddenly the newspapers were full of the same landscapes of horror and destruction as then.
I painted what I felt. This is how these paintings came to be.
All wars are, in the end, their own worlds. Small islands of disconnection, disaster and forgetting in this enormous world. Fertile oases amidst figures of death and abandonment. Spaces where invisible people live, who pulsate inside us, where our hearts are intertwined.

Recorrido virtual en la exposición en Baluarte de la candelaria, Cádiz - Noviembre 2015
Videocreación: "A los Seres" del Acto de Inauguración
Duración: 5.30 min.
Videoarte: Rinat Izhak
Cámaras: Adam Newby de Estudio 3713
Lugar: Baluarte de la candelaria, Cadiz
Colaboradoras en el acto:
Beatriz Gomez Portillo, Paula Perez de Vargas Segovia, Tamara Gata Jiménez.
Instalación: Visible / Invisible

vista de la instalación Visible/Invisible 1

Vista de la instalación Visible/Invisible 2

La sombre que queda

vista de la instalación Visible/Invisible 1
La instalacion consiste en trasmitir la ecencia de una persona. Videocreación** que presenta "el visible" y el vestido, la tela roja, dejan la huella de la persona que no esta, presenta "el invisible".
Duración: 4 min.
Artista creadora: Rinat Izhak
Banda sonora: Musgö
Voz y texto: Belle Alzamora
Videoarte: Mar Gabarre Marín
Cámaras: Carlos Godot y Virginia Martín
Danza: Belle Alzamora
Diseñadora vestido: Lacasasentida - María Varona
Lugar: acto de inauguración "mirar más alla de lo que vemos" la Universidad Pablo de Olavide, de Sevilla, Edificio 45, material que me sirvio para este instalación.
Asistentes de artista para la realización de la instalación filmada: Beatriz Gomez Portillo, Paula Perez de Vargas Segovia, Tamara Gata Jiménez, Catalina Bejarano, Pablo Leira Doce, Enrique Rodriguez Martín, Gastón Puente, Mauro Adán.
Production support: