The sky is NOT the limit
(el cielo NO es el limite)
This Project was staged three times:
Casino de la Exposición, Sevilla, 21.9.2012
Casa de la Provincia, Sevilla, 30.1.2013
Fundación Tres Culturas, Sevilla, 21.9.2013
The core elements of the project are always the same: an interactive installation, an origami workshop, messages which are attached to each visitor’s balloon. The temporary installation, composed of 300 balloons and 300 origami doves and 300 messages for peace, is created in collaboration with the public during the course of the day.
At the end, during a closing event, the messages are released.
Everyone is part of the creation of the installation: it is constructed with the help of the public who visit the event and with helpers. The event is about allowing people’s voices to be heard, communicating and being able to reflect on a fundamental, basic necessity which the majority of society wants: peace and non-violence.
In each event, the building and the environment in which the event takes place are part of the creation, designing the right space in which to erect the installation, the place to release the balloons. The closing event involves collaboration with artists from different disciplines depending on the location in which we want to release the messages and the type of event.
Each message carries a QR code with the address of the project web page. Days afterwards, someone finds it and sends us a photo and the message they received, along with the location at which it was found.
The last message covered a distance of 160km.
Production support:

La Casa de la Provincia de Sevilla
Production year: 2013
Duration: 5:10 min
La Fundación Tres Culturas de Sevilla
Production year: 2013
Duration: 4:04 min

Cartel evento en el Casino de la Exposición

Cartel evento en la Casa de la Provincia, Sevilla

De esta plaza tenia la inspiración de este proyecto, mirar más alla.

Cartel evento en el Casino de la Exposición